Sparkle & Shine Team Page

Welcome to the Sparkle & Shine Cheer Squad Team!
Hi, I'm Coach Misty
Welcome to Work and Play Special Needs Resource Center Inc., home of the Sparkle and Shine STARS CheerAbilities Team.
Our mission is to provide inclusive and empowering opportunities for individuals with special needs to participate in sports, fitness, and recreational activities.
We believe that everyone should have the chance to shine, and our Cheerabilities squad is just one of the many ways we help people do that. Join us today and be part of a community that supports and celebrates each person's unique talents!

We are excited to have you join us. Below is some information about the team, what is expected of you as a member and printable copies of the handouts given throughout the season.
What is a Cheerabilities Team?
A Cheerabilities team is designed for athletes with disabilities and open to athletes aged 5 and above who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment
There are Cheerabilities teams across the nation that provide exceptional athletes with an opportunity to be a part of a sport with their peers.
The athletes learn a routine, compete against other Cheerabilities teams, and get to have an opportunity to develop friendships, boost confidence, and work hard like other competitive cheer teams.
Competitions and Appearances
Another positive aspect of a cheerabilities team is the opportunities it gives the disability community to show others their capabilities and raise disability awareness.
Our goal is to start making appearances and competitions in late-March until June. We will then try to meet at least once a month during the summer and resume practices and appearances in the fall. The team will be ongoing.
All appearances and competitions will be discussed with the team and will be decided. This is a learning experience. We are “paving the path” as we go. Please remember to have patience and give the coaches grace until we get the team momentum going.
We Need Volunteers!
We are looking for individuals to perform with the team as helpers. PERFORMING volunteers must be 13 and older. Cheer experience is a plus. (We could use all the help we can get!)
Downloads & Handouts
Practices will be held on Wednesdays from 6-7:00 pm at Heritage Elementary School.
The address is 290 Woodland Dr E, Saline, MI 48176. If you put the address in your GPS, it might take you to Liberty School. If so, there is an entrance to “the parent loop” on the left side of the school. You should see a small parking lot. You can park there. Enter in the main doors. Turn to the left and look for the cafeteria on your right. GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME to find the school and arrive a few minutes prior.
**IMPORTANT** After the first three practices, you are expected to attend as many practices as possible. You are commiting your time to be part of a team that will highly depend on your attendance. Please make this team a priority.
Practice Uniform
We will offer practice uniforms after the first three weeks of practice. Until then, please wear leggings or shorts with a light shirt. No sweaters or sweatshirts. Tennis shoes and socks. No crocs, slip ons or boots.
The cost to be part of the team is $30 per month. This fee helps cover the cost of gym rentals and other fees throughout the season. In addition, there is a cost of $150.00 for the uniforms, which you will need to purchase. However, we offer an optional 50% buyback at the end of the season if you choose to return your uniform in good condition.
If the $30 per month or the $150.00 uniform cost is a challenge, please know that we offer volunteering opportunities at UofM games, where you can help run concessions to cover your fees. Please feel free to reach out to the coaches for more information on how this works.
Additionally, we are currently seeking a lead volunteer to head our fundraising efforts. If you're interested in taking on this important role, please contact Coach Misty.